International Strategy of Saitama University (2022 to 2027)

1. Basic Direction of International Strategy

On the premise that the diversification of knowledge and skills required of society will accelerate, and that digitalization (DX) in higher education will become fundamental and permanent, we will encourage the global education of undergraduate students and graduate students at Saitama University, the global academic research, education, and social contribution activities of faculty and staff, and the global expansion of the university as an organization of faculties and graduate schools, and promote the internationalization of the entire university in Japan and abroad.

The mid-term goal related to the international strategy for 2022 to 2027 is to “Develop human resources that are exposed to different values and have an international sense by expanding the dispatch of students overseas, the acceptance of excellent international students, networking them after graduation and completion, and providing international education programs in collaboration with overseas universities.”. This will be the basic direction of the university’s international strategy for 2022 to 2027.

2. Action Plans for the Basic Direction of International Strategy

The University has established the following 5 mid-term plans for promoting the internationalization of education and research as action plans that embody the mid-term goals (2022 to 2027).


  1. The International Office will work with each faculty and graduate school as well as the Center for English Education and Development to expand the programs for sending students to overseas partner universities. Short-term study abroad programs for science and engineering students and 2- to 4-week study abroad programs for all students will be newly established and implemented.
  2. International education programs in collaboration with overseas partner universities, such as the mutual provision of on-demand and other online classes, online lectures by overseas researchers, and double degree programs incorporating online classes, will be piloted in cooperation with faculties and graduate schools, so that international co-curricular opportunities will be expanded to develop human resources who understand different cultures and have an international sense.
  3. We will review the current status of graduated international students and alumni networks and sort out the issues. Also, regular opportunities for remote interaction will be established with active graduates living in Japan and abroad to enhance the alumni and alumni network. In addition, through our international student network, we will grasp the career paths of international students and disseminate information on the career paths of them in Japan and abroad in order to attract the next generation of international students.


  1. We will promote joint research with overseas universities, research institutes and private companies, disseminate high-level results through academic journals, and strengthen networks among researchers to promote advanced research.
  2. Through Institutional Research (IR) led by the URA Office, we have designated strategic research areas with strengths and distinctive features in 2022, while taking into account the diversity of research areas, interdisciplinary, international and regional characteristics, and will promote world-class research excellence with the university-wide support of research funding and research space.


3. Implementation of the Action Plans Based on the International Strategy

In carrying out the medium-term plans based on the International Strategy, the following points shall be noted in order to prepare the environment for global education and research which is the premise of the plans.

Promotion of the acceptance of international students and the dispatch of Japanese students

 Based on certain evidence, we will analyze the status of global education programs (dispatch and acceptance) to improve the quality of programs. Each faculty and graduate school set strategic and clear goals for sending and receiving Japanese and international students.

Collaborating with related departments such as the Center for English Education and Development and the Center for Japanese Language Education, we will improve the language and international communication skills of current and international students from a university-wide perspective.

Aware of the active use of JV-Campus (an online international education platform originating in Japan), we will actively send and receive digital content such as COIL type education (international collaborative online learning program), expand the class subjects offered in English and other foreign languages, and plan and promote flexible and effective blended learning (BL) that mixes face-to-face and online.

Graduate courses which can be completed only in English, and the university’s own certification program which is flexible, purposeful, and non-degree seeking, will be expanded.

We will work with related departments to develop and expand support systems for international students, including advising, mental health support, job placement support, collaboration with international student associations and alumni associations, and a manual for faculty and staff and for the acceptance of international students (crisis management, etc.).

Efforts will be made to ensure a good living environment by carefully updating the facilities of the accommodation for international students.

We will expand consultations for students sent abroad, by using ICT equipment to link with overseas partner schools.

Promotion of international joint research

 The Research and Development Bureau (URA Office) will grasp and analyze the status of international collaborative research conducted on campus and makes strategic plans for further promotion, and plan and promote strategic partnerships with overseas universities in conjunction with global trends.

Internationalization of information dissemination

 We will collaborate with departments and divisions, including the Public Relations Division, to enhance the effective dissemination of information in English through public relations and SNS etc.

Internationalization of the campus environment

 We will collaborate with each department and “the Center for Gender, Diversity and Inclusion” to actively cooperate in hiring more international teachers.

We will expand and enlarge school bulletin boards and handouts in English.

Enhance opportunities for face-to-face and online interaction between international and other current students.

We will support and expand global training for faculty and staff.

Promotion of international cooperation and regional contributions

 We will understand the status of international cooperation and international contributions, as well as domestic and regional contributions in the international matters, practiced at the University and expand them.

By expanding partnerships with local governments in Saitama Prefecture, Saitama City, as well as with civil societies (nonprofit civic organizations such as NPO and NGO) working on global issues in the Tokyo metropolitan area, we will carry out strategic planning for regional multicultural coexistence.