What to do in case of emergency

a. In case of sudden illness or injury
In case of sudden illness or injury, especially at night, please dial “119” to call an ambulance. If the injury is minor, you can receive first aid at the Saitama University Health Center during its business open hours.

b. In case of Hospitalization (“Guaranty System for Hospitalization”)
Guaranty System for Hospitalization” is available at the time of hospitalization.

c. In the event of an earthquake
To prevent fires from starting, turn off gas, electricity, etc. as soon as possible. If you feel a jolt, protect your head and get under a table. Open the front door and windows to secure a way out of the building. Do not rush outside. Glass and signs may fall from surrounding buildings. Do not use elevators. Use the stairs to evacuate.
After the earthquake subsides, do not believe rumors, but act on correct information through the radio or TV.
‣Japanese: https://www.city.saitama.jp/jp/sc/disaster.html
‣English: https://www.city.saitama.jp/en/sc/disaster.html

SU Earthquake Safety Guide

d. In the event of fire
Initial firefighting is important. But if it is out of control, evacuate immediately and dial “119” to call a fire truck and tell them that there is a fire, the address of the scene, and the name of the person who made the call.

e. In the event of loss or theft
In case of theft, please dial “110” to call police. If your bankbook, cash card, or credit card is lost or stolen, you must contact your bank immediately to have your account stopped. You should also go to the nearest police station and file a report of loss or damage. When reissuing your cash card or other documents, you may be required to provide a certificate or other proof that you have reported the loss or theft to the police.

f. In the event of a traffic accident
If you are involved in a traffic accident, please call “110” (police), and if there are injuries, dial “119” to call an ambulance. If you are involved in an accident, confirm the other party’s name, address, telephone number, driver’s license number, license plate number, insurance company and type of insurance. If there are any witnesses, ask for their names and contact information as well.