At Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (PRUE) in Moscow, VP Seiichiro Nakabayashi and Prof. Makoto Nagasawa participated in a conference commemorating the 150 years since the founder Pavel Novgorodtsev’s birth. Prof. Nakabayashi made the opening remarks at the event. PRUE, located in the heart of Moscow, is a Russian top university of social science whose graduates include several financial ministers and Russian business leaders. At the presence of VR Dmitry Shtykhno and Prof. Vasily Badulin, Head of International Relations Office and Prof. Elena Ustinovich, Faculty of Economics, we concluded Academic Exchange Agreement.
Concluding the Academic Exchange Agreement at the presence of VR Dmitry Shtykhno (center), Prof. Vasily Badulin (right) and Prof. Elena Ustinovich (left)
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